

php artisan cache:clearclean basic cache 
php artisan route:cacheclean route cache 
php artisan config:cacheclean config cache 
php artisan make:model ??? -m -s
create model, migration(-m) and seeder(-s)
php artisan make:seeder ???Seedercreate seeder 
php artisan migraterun migration 
php artisan make:migration add_image_token --table=user_jwt_tokens
php artisan migrate:refresh --seedrun clean migration and all sedder 
php artisan migrate:rollback --step=0undo all migration 
php artisan make:controller ???Controller --resourcecreate controller with basic function 
php artisan make:controller ???create controller 
composer dump-autoloadreload file 
php artisan route:listget route list 
php artisan db:seed --class=???Seederrun seeder 
php artisan db:seedrun all seeder 
php artisan schedule:listview all event 
php artisan adminlte:pluginscheck adminlte Pluginjeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE
php artisan adminlte:plugins install --plugin=????install adminlte Plugin
composer install  
composer dump-autoload  
/workdir/application/node_modules/laravel-echo-server/bin/server.js start