
Docker Portainer Install ArchiveBox

  • STEP 1

Log into Portainer using your username and password. On the left sidebar in Portainer, click on Stacks then + Add stack. Follow the instructions in the image below.

1 Synology Portainer Add Stack

  • STEP 2

In the Name field type in archivebox. Follow the instructions in the image below.

Note: Copy Paste the code below in the Portainer Stacks Web editor.

version: '3.9'
        image: archivebox/archivebox:stable
        container_name: ArchiveBox
        hostname: archivebox
         test: curl -f http://localhost:8000/ || exit 1
        command: server --quick-init
           - 8460:8000
           - ALLOWED_HOSTS=*
           - CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=https//archivebox.yourname.synology.me
           - MEDIA_MAX_SIZE=2000m
           - PUID=1026
           - PGID=100
           - PUBLIC_INDEX=False             # set to False to prevent anonymous users from viewing snapshot list. Or set to True.
           - PUBLIC_SNAPSHOTS=False         # set to False to prevent anonymous users from viewing snapshot content. Or set to True.
           - PUBLIC_ADD_VIEW=False           # set to True to allow anonymous users to submit new URLs to archive.
          # - CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY=True         # set to False to disable strict SSL checking (allows saving URLs w/ broken certs)
          # - SAVE_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG=True       # set to False to disable submitting all URLs to Archive.org when archiving
            - /volume1/docker/archivebox:/data:rw
        restart: on-failure:5

Note: Before you paste the code above in the Web editor area below, change the value for CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS and type in your own synology.me DDNS with https:// at the beginning that you have previously created at STEP 6.
Note: Before you paste the code above in the Web editor area below, change the value numbers for PUID and PGID with your own PUID and PGID values. (Follow my step by step guide on how to do this.1026 is my personal PUID value and 100 is my personal PGID value. You have to type in your own values.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 7 new 2025

  • STEP 3

Scroll down on the page until you see a button named Deploy the stack. Click on it. Follow the instructions in the image below. The installation process can take up to a few minutes. It will depend on your Internet speed connection.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 8 new 2025

  • STEP 4

If everything goes right, you will see the following message at the top right of your screen: “Success Stack successfully deployed“.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 9

  • STEP 5

On the left sidebar in Portainer, click Containers. Identify your ArchiveBox instance, then click on the little terminal icon. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 10

  • STEP 6

After you click on the little terminal icon at STEP 15, a new page will open. Click Connect. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 11

  • STEP 7

After you click Connect at STEP 16, a Console will open. Copy paste the code below and confirm by pressing Enter on your keyboard. Follow the instructions in the image below.

su archivebox

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 12

  • STEP 8

After you press Enter on your Keyboard at STEP 17, copy paste the code below and confirm by pressing Enter on your keyboard. Follow the instructions in the image below.

archivebox manage createsuperuser

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 13

  • STEP 9

After you press Enter on your Keyboard at STEP 18, you will be asked to type in your own Username. Type in your own username and confirm by pressing Enter on your keyboard. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 14

  • STEP 10

After you press Enter on your Keyboard at STEP 9, you will be asked to type in your own Email Address. Type in your own Email Address and confirm by pressing Enter on your keyboard. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 15

  • STEP 11

After you press Enter on your Keyboard at STEP 10, you will be asked to type in your own Password. Type in your own Password and confirm by pressing Enter on your keyboard. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 16

  • STEP 12

After you press Enter on your Keyboard at STEP 11, you will be asked to type in your Password again. Type in your Password again and confirm by pressing Enter on your keyboard. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 17

  • STEP 13

After a few seconds you will get a message in the terminal that says: “Superuser created successfully.“.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 18

  • STEP 14

Now open your browser and type in your HTTPS/SSL certificate like this https://archivebox.yourname.com =e. Type in your own Username and Password that you have previously created at STEP 9 and STEP 11, respectively. Click Log in. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 19

  • STEP 15

Click ADD+ to add your first website. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 20

  • STEP 16

Add new URLs to your archive. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 21

  • STEP 17

Scroll down the page then click Add URLs and archive +. Follow the instructions in the image below.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 22

  • STEP 18

Wait a few minutes.

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 23

  • STEP 19

Your ArchiveBox at a glance!

ArchiveBox Synology NAS Set up 24

Enjoy ArchiveBox!